About Me

I believe that every human being has the potential to thrive! The biggest thing holding us back from fully realizing this potential is ourselves. When we can acknowledge the stories and deep beliefs holding us back, I truly believe we can begin to write new stories about ourselves that will help us move in the direction of our highest potential.

Our new stories will guide us toward living our lives with greater fulfillment, confidence and authenticity.

I, too, had to write new stories for myself. For more than 20 years, I’ve had a successful career in Human Resources, a field I love and am passionate about. But, despite my success, there was always a nagging voice inside saying, “You’re not good enough.”


This lack of confidence in myself paralyzed me and kept me back from authentically showing up for myself and others in a way that was most true to who I authentically was and who I deeply desired to become.


Then one day I finally acknowledged to myself that I didn’t like how I was showing up in my own life and felt ready to change my story – once and for all. 


So I did – well, more accurately, I am.  My story is one that will continue to evolve throughout the rest of my life but now I feel confident that I am in the driver’s seat.

I embarked on this journey as a Life Coach for women in Human Resources because I know I’m not alone. I know there are other women who, like me, recognize on a deep level she is not living her life in a way that is most authentic to who she desires to be. She has stories and beliefs about herself that are holding her back from being, having or doing more in her life.

If this resonates with you, I am committed to helping you create and write new stories for yourself – stories that will help you to overcome your self-doubts, build confidence in yourself, and love yourself without condition.

Outside my work as a Life Coach, I am a wife, a mom of two boys (ages 22 and 14), an avid hiker, and a happy camper living in Southern Oregon.


Along with being a Certified Life Coach, I also have a MBA and both major HR certifications (PHR and SHRM-CP).

Schedule a chat with me.

I’d be honored to help you
find your way.